Glossary of Terms
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Reading, singing or dancing of a specific role for the director to determine casting
The part of the theater where the audience sits
The entire stage portion of the theater building behind the on-stage area
Cast Call
The time when all cast member assemble at the theater in preparation for a performance
Center Stage
The direction on stage toward the center of the stage
The direction on stage toward the audience
Dress Rehearsal
A run-through of the entire show with all cast members and technical support
A group of people working together
A group of characters; as opposed to an individual character or lead role
Holding Space
The backstage area where performers wait between appearances on stage
See "auditorium"
The principal roles or actors playing those roles in a show
Line Leader
A chaperone trained to lead groups of performers from the holding space to the stage wings who makes sure that their group is ready to enter the stage on their cue
Bringing the sets into the theater and installing them for the performance
Taking down the set after the closing performance, loading the truck and possibly unloading the truck at the MYART warehouse. See
All parts of the theater not enclosed by the set
That part of the stage enclosed by the set visible to the audience
A direction given by the Stage Manager for all cast members to be in their opening positions for the beginning of an act
Run Through
An uninterrupted rehearsal of a scene, act or entire play
The drops, platforms, wagons, etc. that provide the background scenery for an act or scene
Showcase Troupe
A group of performers who are MYART’s outreach to the community
Stage Left
The direction to an actor\’s left as he/she stands on stage facing the audience
Stage Right
The direction to an actor\’s right as he/she stands on-stage facing the audience
A direction given by the Stage Manager to change the set for another scene. See "Load out"
Technically these two words are interchangable. However, it is generally accepted in theatrical circles that "theater" refers to the building or room in which a play is performed or a movie is shown. The word "theatre" refers to a dramatic performance such as a play. When you’re sitting in an auditorium watching a play, you’re in a theater watching theatre
The direction on stage away from the audience
Offstage space at the right and left of the acting area